The adventures of the Unknown Rider

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The Adventures Of The Unknown Rider

It all began when a piece of a military satellite fell from the heavens. That's just well and fine, but it landed on his head. But fortunatley he had his motorcycle helmet on. Unfortunatly, the piece of satellite hit him real hard. The result Amnesia. Plus an added bonus. His helmet was melted permanently to his head. Our hero presses on but he doesn't know his name. If you know his name contact us.

But now the adventure continues.

To feed himself, he does crazy stunts and races.

Episode 1

This week he jumps two busses end to end.

Will he make it?

He relys on your advice.

Should he.....HIT THE GAS.


Should he....Eat Baked Beans and Play it Safe.

© COPYRIGHT Frank Wood 1999


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